Health Tips2022: Meet 19 Simple health tips - start today!


What if the genie in the lamp only gave you one wish? Of course, many will ask for material things or money. Few people remember health tips.

That's because we tend to think about it only when we're sick. However, there is no money, travel or yacht in the world that you can enjoy without it. As the saying goes, it's better to be safe than sorry.

This can be done with simple and basic health tips, but a lot depends on self-care and especially discipline. With the ordeal of daily life, many people succumb to poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyles and neglect healthy habits.

These habits only bring improvements to the quality of life, increasing the disposition to face life's challenges, contributing to increase productivity and controlling stress, which causes several health problems.

Think about: How many liters of water do you drink a day? Do you do any physical activity? When did your last exams take place? Were you disappointed with your answers? This article is for you!

But calm down! Not everything is lost. It's always time to change, just focus on the health tips that we'll give you throughout this article.

Want to understand better about it? So, read on and take notes.

What is needed to have good health?

Maintaining good health is a life goal for many people. But for this to happen permanently, it is necessary to adopt daily care. In the process, small changes can make a big difference.

These are healthy habits that help maintain physical and mental balance, leading to better quality of life and healthy aging. Some health tips are important for everyday life.

Start with food. Always choose healthy foods to give your body more energy. Avoid fat and excesses.

Don't neglect your water intake. Keeping the body well hydrated is not only very beneficial to the skin, but also beneficial to circulation, digestion, and excretion.

The practice of exercise should be included into the daily routine, without forgetting the importance of rest and a good sleep in night. 

– Brazilians and the practice of healthy habits

Although we live in a tropical country with a pleasant climate and beautiful scenery, Brazilians generally do not have healthy habits.An example of this is the survey by the Protest Consumers Association . 

The study shows, for example, that only 4% of the population practices a healthy diet. Almost half of respondents in 2017 ate in front of the TV or cell phone.

And this directly affects the perception and enjoyment of meals. Lack of financial resources, time and difficulty in changing habits are among the main barriers alleged to seek a healthy diet. 

Not to mention the lack of regular physical exercise. Bad habits that increase overweight and obesity rates in Brazil. 

Data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) indicate that almost 62% of Brazilians are overweight and another 26.8% are obese. Factors that lead to serious diseases, heart attack and stroke.

Check out 19 Simple health tips to practice 

Below we list some health tips that you can practice on a daily basis .

– Have a healthy diet

A good diet can prevent disease or be responsible for it, depending on what you put on your plate. In this list are: diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

With the ease of fast foods , it's easy to be seduced by them. They are fast, practical and even give the illusion of being cheaper, but not if you consider the damage to your body. At first glance, it may seem that consuming healthier foods is more expensive and more “laborious”. But the gain in disposition is worth it. 

See some healthy eating habits

  • Nutritionist tip 1: peel more and unpack less
  • Prefer organic food, remembering that in nine months the Brazilian Government released 375 pesticides, which reignited debates about acceptable consumption limits
  • Yes, organic foods tend to have the highest prices, but with its popularity, prices are already lower.
  • Avoid canned foods or preservatives. In Brazil, more than 260,000 people died from cardiovascular diseases in 2018, according to the WHO
  • Reduce your salt consumption. There are already 30 million Brazilians with hypertension
  • Same with sugar. We have 12.5 million diabetics
  • Drink at least 2.5 liters of water a day. Staying hydrated helps prevent kidney problems
  • Cultivate the habit of cooking at home and bringing lunch to work. So you'll be sure what you're consuming
  • avoid cigarette
  • Avoid drinking alcohol

– Keep exams up to date

We have several very current cases, including those involving public figures, such as that of presenter Ana Furtado, who even became the head. Carrying out exams periodically is a way to avoid or even discover diseases at the beginning and help to cure it. 

Some types of cancer – such as cervical and breast cancer – when discovered early, can be cured.

See important exams for the check -up

  1. Complete blood count
  2. Simple imaging exams
  3. Collection of feces and urine
  4. For women: gynecological exams
  5. For men: periodic and urological exams
  6. Controlling cholesterol levels and blood pressure
  7. And the main thing: trying to control stress levels , which is responsible for several psychological disorders

– Do some physical activity

The benefits of physical activities for the body and also for the mind are proven. Especially for those who have multiple responsibilities and need an outlet to relax.

But not everyone is good at the gym. There are many other activities for these people that can help, but don't forget to check beforehand.

Here are some activity health tips:

  1. Find an activity that gives you pleasure.
  2. Practice regularly (300 minutes per week, as per the new WHO recommendation).
  3. It can even start with a walk.
  4. Leave your car at home and ride your bike to work. It's good for you and the environment.
  5. Do group activities. It's easier not to give up.

- Drink water

If the human body is made up almost 70% of fluid, it must be well hydrated. Drinking water is almost a huge challenge for many people.

But it is necessary to change the mind and start drinking little by little. Continue to increase until you reach a liter and a half or two a day. For easy drinking, always keep most of your water within sight, in a glass or bottle.

Drinking plenty of water helps with digestion, keeps the skin healthy, helps control blood pressure, among other benefits.

– Make use of sunscreen  

Sun, rain or even indoors, we are exposed daily to ultraviolet rays that are harmful to skin health. It is recommended to use sunscreen every day, changing the product every two hours.

That's because, regardless of the weather, we are exposed to daily traps, such as artificial lighting, computers, cell phones and the heat. These are radiations that cause skin stains, premature aging, various diseases, and even cancer. 

looking for a healthy life should make daily use of sunscreen. Experts Says that exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided between 10 am and 4 pm.

– Decrease stress 

Healthy life is free from stress. It harms physical and mental health, generating a number of problems such as anxiety and insomnia. If you are one of those people who maintain an excessive routine, whether at home or at work, you should take some actions to reduce your stress levels. Taking care of your breath or meditating can be one of the alternatives. 

After all, stress can cause several health problems, such as heart disease, hypertension, stroke, among others. Take a few minutes throughout the day to practice taking long, deep breaths. 

The technique allows muscle relaxation, reduces tension, improves muscle pain and sleep.

– Eliminate harmful habits 

Being aware that bad habits can damage your health is the first step towards a substantial change towards a healthier life. Sleeping and eating well, doing physical activity regularly are some of the basic initiatives for this change. 

Replacing bad habits with good ones is part of a re-education process. Experts indicate that just eliminating a thought doesn't mean we stop thinking about a certain thing.

For example, if a person wants to quit smoking, it's useless just telling himself that he's not going to smoke anymore. The brain continues to visualize the cigarette and the body feels the chemical dependence that the cigarette produces. The ideal is to replace cigarettes with a bullet and alcohol with water.  

– Dialogue

Dialogue is part of human social life. Having someone to talk to is good for the mind. Improves mood and general health. With the advancement of technology, we often find ourselves stuck with electronic gadgets for a long time. 

Whether at work or at home. To keep the dialogue up to date, in spare time the company of friends and family is important. In your free time, go out with friends. Talk about different subjects. 

Stay away, at least for a few hours a day from social media. Change habits, improve reading, walk outdoors. If you can't talk to anyone in person, use the phone.

- Have more laughs!

You may have heard that laughter is good for your health. And actually it does! Experts point out that having a good laugh generates well-being and relaxes. That's because to produce a good laugh, practically the person puts the whole body to work. 

A good laugh can activate up to 80 muscles simultaneously. Smiling improves blood flow and heart function. Consequently, it eliminates risks of hypertension and cardiovascular problems. 

Having a good laugh also strengthens the immune system, increases energy, reduces stress and pain, among other benefits. 

Smiling is so good for health that it entered the calendar of celebrations. World Smile Day is always remembered on the first Friday of October. 

- Get a good night's sleep

A good night's sleep improves a person's quality of life. The amount of hours per day varies from person to person, but in general, it is best to stay between seven to eight hours a night. 

Sleeping well strengthens memory, helps to have energy for daily activities, for work. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, not to mention the control of various health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure. 

A good night's sleep refreshes the mind and allows the body to perform its essential functions during the day time.

If this doesn't happen, over time the person can have a number of problems ranging from muscle pain and headaches to risks of stroke, type 2 diabetes and heart attack. 

What at first came to revolutionize the media is generating dependence and health problems. Social media should be used with cautions.

After all, talking to real people, preferably in person, is always healthier. Regular use of social networks is good to mental health , but if excessive use is harmful and interferes with social interactions.

Social media can generate good and bad thoughts, and can harm the mental health of individuals. Therefore, its use should be moderate. Some health tips can contribute to this detachment process. 

Among them the use of relevant social networks; Turn off notifications and keep your phone out of reach.

– Enjoy the present

Living in the present and keeping the mind always focused on reality contributes to the health of the body and mind. After all, the modern world offers countless distractions that can interfere with our quality of life. 

After all, life is one and must be fully lived today. It is not healthy and not advisable for a person to spend his energy on futuristic conjectures or to cling to facts from the past. In addition to disrupting the present, it can interfere with the future. 

If the past cannot be changed and the future does not yet exist, live the present always and intensely! This way you pay more attention to your activities, reduce anxiety levels , improve focus and performance. 

One of the methods to stay in the present is to practice mindset techniques, letting go of bad habits.

– Learn something new whenever possible

Keeping yourself in constant movement and learning is essential for anyone looking for quality of life. After all, knowledge is one of the greatest assets that human beings acquire throughout their lives. 

Among the main benefits of learning something new, we can highlight brain stimulation. It reduces stress, improves social connections and mental health, brings happiness.

Since birth, human beings are always learning something new, such as eating, walking, communicating, etc. When we reach adulthood this should not stop and can be a differential in a professional career. 

Reading and research help to expand knowledge. New habits, a hobby, courses, a new language or playing a musical instrument can be great learning options.  

– Spend time with people you love

Cultivating affective bonds is good for human health. But do we know how to maintain healthy relationships? Positive social bonds are good for the body and mind. 

That's why it's important to have special moments with those you love. Whether with family or among personal or work friends. Maintaining this network of relationships only brings benefits. 

Controls emotions, generate happiness. That's why it's important to dedicate time a day to be with those you love. It's a habit and an important health tip that we should put into practice.

– Take care of mental health: get therapy

Even getting treatment these days seems like a seven-headed bug for many people. Psychotherapy is not just a way to take care of mental health, it can also help people find constructive ways to deal with adversity in their lives.. 

It helps to get through difficult times like a breakup or the loss of a loved one. In addition, it increases emotional intelligence and self-knowledge. 

Professional help is one of the tools a person can seek to gain greater emotional control. It's a positive way to take care of your health. 

– Do yoga

Meaning to control, to unite, yoga is a philosophy of life that has its origins over 5000 years ago in India. A holistic system that works the body and mind through very well thought out movements.

They allow each individual to create their own rhythm, reconnecting with their breath and their own body. Yoga increases body awareness and understanding of emotions. 

Improves posture, toning and giving greater flexibility to the body. Having breathing as a key to yoga, practicing these techniques regularly can improve your cardiovascular system.

Reduce stress; the anxiety; the pain; depression; strengthens joints and much more. An excellent option for those seeking physical and mental balance.

– Avoid drinking alcohol and drugs

When we talk about cultivating healthy habits, the first step is to exclude from your life some behaviors that are harmful to health, such as smoking, drug use or alcohol use. 

These are products that cause chemical dependence, harm health and even affective bonds. Taking the first step towards eliminating them from your life can be very difficult to do alone. 

That's why having professional support is important. A good option is to resort to telemedicine. Companies like Conexa Saúde offer specialized services for those who need such help. 

Prevention is always the best way. So learn to say no to stay away from drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. Choose companies well. Practice sports and always count on the support of family and friends.

– Create hobbies

This tip can be the key for those looking for a healthier life. Investing in hobbies can have numerous positive benefits for the mind and body. When doing some activity that brings you pleasure, the brain is stimulated. 

Consequently this improves mood, memory, communication, reasoning and motor functions. It expands affective bonds by stimulating new social relationships. It doesn't matter the activity. 

It could be a new sport, dancing, reading, collectibles, travel, a new language. Everything is valid to enjoy free time and gain quality of life. The important thing is to find an activity that brings you pleasure, stimuli. 

Pandemic health tips

In times of a pandemic, it is essential to keep your health up to date. The World Health Organization (WHO) guides some fundamental care:

  • Maintain social distancing;
  • Wear mask;
  • Wash your hands frequently and use alcohol gel;
  • Maintain a healthy diet;
  • Taking care of mental health;
  • Practice physical exercises;
  • Consult the doctor regularly.

Health tips at work

– Take breaks from work

Staying on the same task for long periods is unhealthy. It harms health and mind. It can affect bones from bodybuilding and even increase blood pressure. 

That's why it's important to take breaks at work, for example, every 30 minutes. Having a coffee, stretching and relaxing are some valid health tips.

– Importance of health at work

Investing in health at work is about ensuring a better quality of life and employee engagement. 

One of the best avenues for this is health care programs and preventive medicine. All to promote healthy life and a great organizational climate. 

Health at work leads to lower turnover; increased productivity; improved outcomes; reduced costs; talent retention, among other benefits. 

Benefits of maintaining healthy habits

Aligning with positive health tips in your daily life is important to escape hectic routines. They can go far beyond good nutrition or regular physical activity. 

Swapping the car for a bike or hiking, sweets for fruit or hydrating your body well, expand the list of health tips to make a difference in your daily life. 

So let's get to know some of the positive impacts that the change to healthier habits brings to your life. 

– Greater willingness

Those who stay more active increase their levels of satisfaction and healthy life. Regular physical activity reduces stress and anxiety, also improving self-esteem. Brings more energy to everyday tasks. 

That's because when exercising, the body releases hormones such as endorphins, which brings a feeling of well-being and satisfaction. In fruits, products such as oats and bananas also help to raise the mood.

– Control your weight

Combining a balanced and healthy diet with physical exercise helps control weight, preventing a number of health problems. Maintaining the ideal weight goes far beyond simple body aesthetics. 

Overweight and obesity are one of the main health risk factors. Excess sugar fats cause inflammation and impair blood circulation. In addition, it reduces the mood, affects sleep, and can be worsen the state of health.

– Prevents disease

Maintaining healthy habits prevents and minimizes various diseases. Sleep well, have quality sleep, eat well, exercise and much more. Reduce your salt intake, don't smoke and develop good lifestyle habits. 

This helps to avoid mental illnesses like depression, anxiety and burnout. A diet rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables strengthens immunity.

– Improves mood

The greater the depression and sadness, the more easily our bodies get sick. So resorting to quick energy sources like chocolate can even produce good feelings, but not for long.

That's because the nutrients in chocolate are absorbed very quickly by the body. The ideal, to keep up to date with health and good mood, is to improve habits in general. 

Opting for foods with a higher energy content , such as carbohydrates, can be a good option. Beans, brown rice and corn are on the list.

– Stimulates the brain

As we've seen before, food can interfere with brain health. Reducing the consumption of sugar and fatty foods is important. 

Opt, for example, for fish, seeds, nuts. A balanced, nutrient-rich diet helps regulate the bowels. Practicing physical activity also helps to have good memory.


The focus on maintaining an increasingly healthy life drives a real search for miraculous strategies. Far from thinking of health only as a well-defined body, quality of life includes a change in habits. 

Balancing mind and body helps in physical and emotional health. Brings stability and balance. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, among other problems. 

It is critical to trade bad habits for positive actions. So on this path, we've listed good nutrition, physical activity, maintaining emotional relationships, expanding knowledge, and more.

There are several ways to keep the body and mind active. Health tips that help in this transformation process so that your day to day becomes even more pleasurable, diverse and healthy .  

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