Experts say it is not dangerous to heat the rice again, but it is important to know how rice stored after cooking.After cooking, rice as long as rice will remain on normal normal temperature, more likely they will increase the risk of health.
According to experts, food poisoning bacteria present in raw rice and there is strong possibility that they remain somewhere even after cooking.
In such a way, keeping rice on the room temperature multiply the growth of these bacteria.
After 5 to 4 hours of food posting, rice may appear in the form of diarrhea and vomiting.
However, it is not very dangerous and remains up to 24 hours. Experts give some suggestions to avoid food posting of rice.
Try to serve the rice once at once after cooking.
If you save rice and save them, do not save more than a day.
Heat the refrigerated rice well.
Once again after taking out the rice from the refrigerator, heat it out and try again. Repeating or heating repeatedly can make them dangerous.